
The "P.L.U.S." stands for Playing and Learning with United Support. This is a group comprised of friends and families of children with special needs. It is a extension of DSAMC and was formed in April of 2007. The purpose of this playgroup is to provide a positive and inclusive environment for childre3n of all abilities. Children who are "uniquely-abled" can build relationships with "typically developing" children, as well as cultivate lifelong relationships with children like themselves. Anyone who is a friend or a family member of someone with special needs is encouraged to join.

Home Depot 2014

DSAMC Women's Group
This is a program for women who want to promote awareness and advocacy for people with Down syndrome within the Mid-Columbia area, and create meaningful relationships with other women who share this vision. The goals for the DSAMC women's group are to educate, provide support, and give information to families of children with Down syndrome and members of the community. DSAMC Women's group will also be a place where women can relax and network with others.

Parent Enrichment Group
This group meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the ARC of the Tri-Cities from 6-8pm. The Parent Enrichment Group is a space for informal discussion of parenting strategies, goals, and encouragement led by parents, for parents.
Refreshment provided, child care provided upon request, space limited to 4 kids.

Tiny Tots Meet & Greet Play Group
The Tiny Tots group is great for new parents who are looking to meet other parents in a smaller, low key atmosphere. This is a great time to bring your new little one, as well as siblings & friends. If you are new to the area or are just looking for a easy place to start, drop in...we would love to meet you! Tiny Tots meets on the 1st Monday of each month at 10:00 - 11:30 at Mid Columbia Gymnastics 1524 SE Fowler St. Richland This is a FREE event!

Young Adult Group
Young Adults Group: This group is for individuals ages 15-25+ to gather for anything from fun social activities around the community, to unique work experience activities with local businesses and anything in between.
DSAMC Bilingual Women's Group
Este es un grupo mensual que se reúne y se conecta en un
entorno informal. No hay límites, solo posibilidades.
This is a monthly group that meets and connects in a casual setting. There are no limits only possibilities